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Fast, Fair and Stable Infrastructure Built for Web3 Economy
High performance, frontrunning and censorship resistant blockchain with a flatcoin linked to 10kWh.
Start BuildingMine Green
Sound Money.
MTR is Pegged
to 10 kWh
Fiat-backed stablecoins are centralized and subject to regulatory restrictions. Anyone can mine Meter’s metastable gas currency MTR to pay transaction fees and bid for MTRG on Meter. Its economic design ensures PoW mining is greener than any fiat system and converges to a stable long term equilibrium value.
Build Blazing
Fast, Fair & Low
Cost dApps
dApps running on Meter not only process 1000s of transactions per second with instant finality, but also front running and censorship resistant. Meter can process transactions in parallel and the fees on Meter are both low and stable.
What's Possible with Meter?
Meter is an open source platform with Freedom and Fairness as the first principle. It is highly decentralized, censorship resistant yet lightning fast & MEV resistant. Its native metastable coin completes Satoshi’s vision of a sound money independent of the fiat system.
Calling All
Developers to Build On
Meter brings Frontrunning/MEV Resistance and instant finality to Ethereum. It supports 1000s TPS at stable & low cost and 1000s validators to protect your financial freedom.

Over 100 dApps Have Used Meter to Increase Performance
Meter is an open source platform with Freedom and Fairness as the first principle.It is highly decentralized, censorship resistant, EVM compatible yet blazing fast & MEV resistant. Its native flat coin completes Satoshi’s vision of a sound money independent of the fiat system.
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Our Governance Token and Stablecoin
The supply of MTR is uncapped. When demand is higher miners will expand the supply whereas when demand is lower the internal MTRG auction process will continually remove MTR from circulation, reducing supply. This makes the value of MTR neither deflationary nor inflationary.

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